The City Council meeting on 2/27 was well attended by citizens opposing the proposed California Northstate University Medical Complex. At this meeting, the update to the General Plan was discussed. Thanks to the presentations from several concerned neighbors, the council decided not to include the re-zoning of Stonelake Landing in the updated General Plan.
At the 2/13/19 Elk Grove City Council meeting, Dreaming Dog Brewery donated a check to the EGPD K-9 Unit. In the face of adversity brought on by California Northstate University, which is seeking to destroy Dreaming Dog Brewery to make way for a massive medical complex, owners David and Liz Brown continue to exude integrity, honesty and a love for their community.
At the 2/21/19 Elk Grove Planning Commission meeting, citizens continue to speak out against California Northstate University's proposed medical complex. The information provided and the passionate speeches were powerful and compelling.
At the 4/18/19 Elk Grove Planning Commission meeting, residents took the opportunity to voice their concerns about the California Northstate University "biodistrict" project. New plans were submitted by CNU to the City earlier that week, raising even greater concerns about the welfare of Elk Grove and the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. Here are highlights from the public comment portion of that meeting.
At the 2/13/19 Elk Grove City Council meeting, residents once again took the opportunity to speak out against the massive and destructive medical complex project proposed by California Northstate University. The final speaker, a citizen living miles away from the proposed project, was so inspired by the previous presentations that, at the last minute, she choose to stand up and show her solidarity with the Stonelake community.
On Saturday, February 23, 2019, Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly held a “Community and Volunteer Appreciation Open House” to thank those who helped get him elected to office. Not surprisingly, he chose to hold this event at California Northstate University. N.E.S.T. members decided to peacefully protest on the sidewalk in front of CNU on the day of the mayor’s party. Toward the end of the protest, a city employee attempted to harass and intimdate members of N.E.S.T. and their children.
On February 7th, N.E.S.T. members and other concerned citizens took the opportunity to speak against the proposed CNU medical complex project during the public comment portion of the Elk Grove Planning Commission Meeting. No video was available. However, this is the audio from that meeting.
Following a presentation by Mr. Alvin Cheung (CEO and President of California Northstate University), Elk Grovians speak out against CNU's proposed plan to destroy several small businesses and build a 12-story Level II trauma hospital with helipad near the quiet residential community of Stonelake.
Part 2 of public comments regarding the proposed CNU Level II trauma hospital in a residential neighborhood of Elk Grove, Ca. This is a pet project of a for-profit medical college that quietly bought several acres of land where a current commercial retail center resides. No advanced warning was given to residents or tenants of the proposed location prior to a press conference hosted by city leaders and CNU. Includes presentations by the local residents and one of CNU's attorneys.
At the January 17th Elk Grove Planning Commission meeting, more members of the Stonelake and surrounding communities spoke during public comments in opposition to a proposed 12-story level II trauma center being built in Stonelake Landing, a nearby shopping center that currently houses several small businesses which would be displaced by such a project.
The Sacramento News & Review isn't known for pulling punches. Quite the contrary, this publication is best known and loved for its ability to provide thorough, thoughtful and unapologetic honesty.
SNR reporter Scott Thomas Anderson shines a spotlight on the bitter rivalry between the Stonelake community and Calfornia Northstate University, as well as on the questionable campaign donations made to local city officials that may have influenced the choices they've made regarding the development of the west side of Elk Grove.